Results and Postprocessing After a static structural solve, you have to check results.

UZ UY UX Frictionless surface ANSYS, Inc. Example: a Frictionless Support applied to the face of the block shown would indicate that the Z degree of freedom is no longer free (all other DOF are free). Boundary conditions can be scoped to geometry items or to nodes (depending on load type). Boundary conditions, regardless of actual names, are always defined in terms of these DOF. With solid geometry the DOF are X, Y and Z translations (for shells and beams we add rotational DOF rotx, roty and rotz). Loads Loads and supports respond in terms of the degrees of freedom (DOF) available for the elements used. Note: the default configuration for output controls can be changed in Tools > Options > Analysis Settings and Solution ANSYS, Inc. Be sure to review the documentation before starting an analysis to make sure the desired results will be written. The most general results quantities are written by default. Output controls are intended to allow users to write efficient results files containing only the desired information thereby limiting file sizes.

Analysis Settings The Output Controls section of the analysis settings configures what items are to be written to the results file (defaults shown).